General Meta-resources
From the LDC Language Resource Wiki
[Mamandel 17:06, 4 May 2011 (UTC)]
This page is for meta-resources that are applicable to many languages and are not specifically for computational natural language processing.
Language-independent NLP Resources have their own page.
Contents |
Resource Organizations
- ELRA: European Languages Resources Association
- ELRA Catalogue: Language Resources available through ELRA
- ELRA Universal Catalogue: other corpora, lexica, and terminological resources worldwide
- Language Description Heritage Open Access Library. “The goal of the Language Description Heritage (LDH) Open Access Digital Library is to provide easy access to descriptive material about the world’s languages. This collection is being compiled at the Max Planck Society in Germany as an open access digital repository of existing scientific contribution describing the world-wide linguistic diversity, focussing on traditionally difficult to obtain works.”
- LDC: Linguistic Data Consortium (University of Pennsylvania). “supports language-related education, research and technology development by creating and sharing linguistic resources: data, tools and standards”
- OLAC: Open Language Archives Community: “an international partnership of institutions and individuals who are creating a worldwide virtual library of language resources by: (i) developing consensus on best current practice for the digital archiving of language resources, and (ii) developing a network of interoperating repositories and services for housing and accessing such resources.” [Mamandel 14:01, 22 May 2011 (UTC)]
- The Rosetta Project: “a global collaboration of language specialists and native speakers working to build a publicly accessible digital library of human languages.”
Metadata standards and infrastructure
- e-linguistics. “a cyber-infrastructure for linguistics ... meant to promote a paradigm shift within the field of linguistics where data are: interoperable -- shared -- open”
- E-MELD: Electronic Metastructure for Endangered Languages Data. “a 5-year project with a dual objective: 1) To aid in the preservation of endangered languages data and documentation. 2) To aid in the development of the infrastructure necessary for effective collaboration among electronic archives.” A LINGUIST List project.
- GOLD Community ("General Ontology of Linguistic Description"). “The purpose of the GOLD Community is to bring together scholars interested in best-practice encoding of linguistic data.”
- OLAC: Open Language Archives Community: “an international partnership of institutions and individuals who are creating a worldwide virtual library of language resources by: (i) developing consensus on best current practice for the digital archiving of language resources, and (ii) developing a network of interoperating repositories and services for housing and accessing such resources.” [Mamandel 14:01, 22 May 2011 (UTC)]